ロシアの隕石についてNASA JPLの見解抄訳その2


Credit: Google, NASA/JPL-Caltech
写真は上記JPLウェブサイトより。ちなみに図中には「隕石の破片の落下エリア:ロシア チェリャビンスク(訳者注:円の部分ですな)」 「今回のイベントは小惑星2012DA1の地球近傍通過とは関係がない」と書いてあります。





「わたしたちは、この規模の減少は平均して100年に1回程度起こるのではないかと予想しています。この規模の火球の場合、多くの隕石の破片が地表に届くのではないかと思います。今回のケースでは、いくつかの大きな破片が到達したようです」(JPLの地球近傍天体に関する部局のPaul Chodas氏)

今回の隕石の軌道は、地球近くを通過していった別の小惑星2012 DA1のものとは大きく異なります。これは、両者はまったく関係のない事件であったことを意味しています。ロシアの隕石は、1908年にシベリアのツングースカでの隕石落下事件以来最大の規模のものでした。

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Update: February 15, 2013 7pm PST

New information provided by a worldwide network of sensors has allowed scientists to refine their estimates for the size of the object that entered that atmosphere and disintegrated in the skies over Chelyabinsk, Russia, at 7:20:26 p.m. PST, or 10:20:26 p.m. EST on Feb. 14 (3:20:26 UTC on Feb. 15).

The estimated size of the object, prior to entering Earth's atmosphere, has been revised upward from 49 feet (15 meters) to 55 feet (17 meters), and its estimated mass has increased from 7,000 to 10,000 tons. Also, the estimate for energy released during the event has increased by 30 kilotons to nearly 500 kilotons of energy released. These new estimates were generated using new data that had been collected by
five additional infrasound stations located around the world - the first recording of the event being in Alaska, over 6,500 kilometers away from Chelyabinsk. The infrasound data indicates that the event, from atmospheric entry to the meteor's airborne disintegration took 32.5 seconds. The calculations using the infrasound data were performed by Peter Brown at the University of Western Ontario, Canada.

"We would expect an event of this magnitude to occur once every 100 years on average," said Paul Chodas of NASA's Near-Earth Object Program Office at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. "When you have a fireball of this size we would expect a large number of meteorites to reach the surface and in this case there were probably some large ones."

The trajectory of the Russia meteor was significantly different than the trajectory of the asteroid 2012 DA14, which hours later made its flyby of Earth, making it a completely unrelated object. The Russia meteor is the largest reported since 1908, when a meteor hit Tunguska, Siberia.

